Love Struck Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

There's no denying it, you're love struck! Shout it from the rooftops with this dramatic bouquet of hot pink hydrangea, roses and lilies.

There's no denying it, you're love struck! Shout it from the rooftops with this dramatic bouquet of hot pink hydrangea, roses and lilies.

There's no denying it, you're love struck! Shout it from the rooftops with this dramatic bouquet of hot pink hydrangea, roses and lilies.

This luxe arrangement includes pink hydrangea, hot pink roses, red roses, dark pink asiatic lilies, dark pink alstroemeria, maroon carnations, pitta negra, spiral eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass jordan vase.

This luxe arrangement includes pink hydrangea, hot pink roses, red roses, dark pink asiatic lilies, dark pink alstroemeria, maroon carnations, pitta negra, spiral eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass jordan vase.

This luxe arrangement includes pink hydrangea, hot pink roses, red roses, dark pink asiatic lilies, dark pink alstroemeria, maroon carnations, pitta negra, spiral eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. Delivered in a glass jordan vase.

Orientation: All-Around

Love Struck Bouquet



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